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Contact Info (1)

Current Contact Info for Optimus Media.

Domain Registration (1)

Articles to help you with Domain Registration

Web Design (4)

Articles to help you with Web Design

Web Hosting (14)

Articles to help with your hosting account.

En Popüler

 How Do I Cancel My Web Hosting?

To request your hosting be cancelled, please follow these steps from the Customer Support Center:...

 If I change my current ISP does this affect my web site?

No. Your hosting is separate from your ISP (Internet Service Provider). However, if you are using...

 What is my site's IP address

You can always find this out by going to http://<yourdomainname>/cpanel Once logged in...

 Are there any penalties or fees from Optimus Media to transfer from you to another hosting company?

No. There is no charge for removal of your site (although it should be noted setup charges are...

 How can I change the password to access my web site?

A very helpful web based site administration tool is available at https://<yoursite>/cpanel...